Small Businesses looking to develop their website into a digital marketing machine may need some tips and advice. That is what we have here.

Blog Posts About Website Development

sitemap creation process

Website Design: Creating a Sitemap

By Bizbotweb Chief Robot | March 15, 2024

Crafting a Manual Sitemap for Wireframing and Web Development Guidance Creating a manual sitemap is a strategic website design and development step. It acts as a blueprint for your website’s structure, providing a clear guide for both wireframing stages and instructing web developers on the pages needed for construction. This approach ensures that every part…

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Inbound vs outbound marketing

Navigating the Marketing Maze: Inbound vs. Outbound Strategies

By Bizbotweb Chief Robot | February 19, 2024

In the ever-evolving marketing landscape, businesses constantly seek the most effective strategies to attract customers and drive sales. Two primary approaches have emerged at the forefront of this quest: inbound and outbound marketing. Each strategy offers unique advantages and challenges, and understanding their differences and how they can be integrated is crucial for any successful…

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Website as an Employee Header

A Website as a Virtual Employee: How a Website Can Help Your Business

By Bizbotweb Chief Robot | January 9, 2024

A website is more than just a digital storefront for your business. When designed and maintained correctly, it can act as a valuable employee, working 24/7 to help you reach your goals. In this post, we’ll explore ways a website can be a virtual employee for your business. I. Customer Outreach II. Lead Generation III.…

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Customer Journey Mapping; How It Can Help Improve Your Business

By Bizbotweb Chief Robot | January 4, 2024

What is Customer Journey Mapping, and Why Does it Matter? Customer Journey Mapping is a process of understanding how customers interact with your business, from the first time they become aware of you to their post-purchase experience. By mapping out the customer journey, businesses can identify areas where they can improve the customer experience and…

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Basic SEO Best Practice SEO Checklist for a new website

SEO Best Practices: A Basic Guide for a New Website

By Bizbotweb Chief Robot | January 2, 2024

Introduction: What is SEO and Why Does it Matter for a New Website? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of best practices that helps websites get found in search engine results. It is an important part of website optimization and can be the difference between success and failure for a new website. SEO helps…

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Website Starup plan image

First Steps for a New Website

By Bizbotweb Chief Robot | January 2, 2023

Starting a New Website Overview Starting a new website can be overwhelming with the myriad of tasks involved, from content development to web design, all while managing the other facets of your business. However, early incorporation of SEO practices can simplify future marketing strategies and enhance your site’s success from the start. Here’s a streamlined…

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Quick Start Guide: Get a WordPress Site

By Bizbotweb Chief Robot | December 29, 2022

This is a resource for people wanting to start a WordPress Site in a fast and easy way. This is the tactical side of digital marketing. You need a website that is robust and can handle a variety of needs. Website Stack (Website Setup) To have a strong Digital Marketing Plan you need to have a…

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Art Gallery image for free images

Best places to Get Free images online

By Bizbotweb Chief Robot | December 29, 2022

There are many websites that offer free images for personal and commercial use. Here are some of the best places to get free images on the web: Pexels Pexels is a popular website that offers a wide range of high-quality, royalty-free images. The images are contributed by photographers around the world and are available for…

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Affiliate Marketing Header

Start an Affiliate Site Quickly

By Bizbotweb Chief Robot | December 28, 2022

The following is a quick guide to starting an affiliate site. The goal is to have a website that can grow, handle traffic, and facilitate the needs of the affiliate site. Before you Start an Affiliate Site – Website Setup The key to a good affiliate site; have a website that can perform well for Search…

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Picking a domain name in stain glass

How to Choose the Best Domain Name For Your Website

By Bizbotweb Chief Robot | December 28, 2022

Choosing the best domain name for your website is one of the most important decisions you can make when getting a new site. A domain name is what you use to get to a website, so it’s pretty essential. The domain name is what people remember about a site. It can be hard to develop…

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